Rocks & stone can be a great addition to a garden or an orchard. Most gardeners will take the rocks out of their garden, but many times that is a mistake. In “Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture”, Sepp Holzer tells a story from his childhood about how he had the earliest, sweetest, biggest strawberries that he grew in a rocky area. He noticed his best strawberries were closest to the stones.
Benefits & Uses of Rocks & Stones
Rocks provide mineral nutrients to the soil through gradual erosion and leaching
Rocks can provide valuable habitat to insect predators
Rocks placed in front of fruit trees soak up sunlight during the day releasing the heat at night providing a more favorable microclimate.
Rocks placed near plants help to even out the temperature around the plants
The soil under rocks will remain moist with many earthworms
Rocks can be arranged in such a way that moisture will run off the surface of the rocks to enhance the irrigation of your plants.
Smaller rocks can be used as mulch, with many advantages. In cool climates, rock mulch can extend the growing season by holding the days sun. In warm dry climates, condensation can form during the daytime as the shaded rocks are cooler then the ambient temperature. This can greatly enhance irrigation.
Stone can be used for pathways, edging, water features, and walls.
I love to use stone in the garden. The work is heavy, but the stone last forever, and it looks great. So next time you’re removing stone from your property, start a rock pile. You’ll eventually find a good place for those beneficial stones.